The Leathercoated Minds - A Trip Down The Sunset Strip
The Leathercoated Minds - A Trip Down The Sunset Strip
1967, Viva
Produit par Snuff Garrett.
Objet psychédélique.
Citations: "à hurler de rire"; "archi-nul"; et de J.J. lui même: "terrible", en V.O.
Pour preuve: les notes de la pochette.
Les morceaux écrits par J.J. Cale sont signalés par une astérisque.
"The Sunset Strip" is synonymous with action and excitement and certainly has become a focal
point of all west coast trends. It is the hub of creativity for the teenset and young adults of Los
Angeles - avant garde styles of both dress and behavior are commonplace and flowing beards and unkempt
hair are everywhere. On weekends, traffic is backed up for miles - cars filled with tourists gape open-mouthed
at a street filled with almost unbelievably dressed people. On street corners, hundreds of the "beat"
set gather to discuss everything from LSD to politics, but foremost in their conversation is, "what's
happening in music."
In this album, we are trying to paint sound pictures of the Strip - the voices that you hear above each
recording are the actual voices of the Strip's inhabitants. The traffic noises are real-recorded on location.
The songs contained in this album are "what's happening" - most of them got their start in the
Hollywood area and later became national hits.
The Leathercoated Minds are typical of the groups that are bred and nurtured by Hollywood. They understand
and feel west coast music and have tried to pass along their excitement to you.
We sincerely hope that you will be given a mental "Trip Down the Sunset Strip" when you listen
to this album.